Tagged "Privacy"

Oblivious DNS is a privacy-friendly version of the DNS protocol. Preventing third-parties from keeping track of the sites you visit. It builds on top of DoH (DNS over HTTPS) and adds a proxy server...
How does Facebook know that you doubted to buy something on another website? They use tracking pixels! A small image that is added to other websites & track your activity and interests. Let's S...
We know public WiFi shouldn't be trusted, but why? What are the risks when do you connect to a coffeeshop network and how can you protect yourself for them? Music used in this video: Ticker by Sile...
Protecting your online privacy could become a lot easier with Zero Knowledge Proof. A technique that allows you to prove things without disclosing what it is you're proving. Need to have a certain ...
Will the new European privacy law kill blockchains? On first sight they seem incompatible with each other. So let's take a closer look! Sources This video wouldn't be possible without the work of o...
Cookies can be used to invade your privacy and track you around the internet. But what are cookies and how do they work? They were initially invented to make our lives easier and are used to keep u...
Companies are collecting more and more data about us and that can cause harm. With differential privacy companies can learn more about their users without violating our privacy. Sources Anderson...
How does public-key cryptography work? What is a private key and a public key? Why is asymmetric encryption different from symmetric encryption?