Tagged "Decentralization"

NFT's are an innovation in the blockchain/cryptocurrency space that allows you to track who owns a particular item. Something tricky with digital files because they can easily be copied. NFT's are ...
We have no privacy on the web anymore. Our data is stored with many third-parties, some even sell it behind our backs. Solid aims to put all our data in a single place that's under our control (pod...
Mastodon is a "federated" social network that works like Twitter. It puts the control of data into the user's hands, not in a single corporation. Music used in this video: Intrics Leo by ...
IPFS, the Interplanetary Filesystem wants to make the web more decentralized by running it on top of a P2P network. Let's take a look at how IPFS works, how it can solve issue's like censorship and...