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Graph Theory: Wolf, Sheep & Cabbage

Use Graph Theory to transport a wolf🐺 , sheep 🐑 and cabbage 🥗 across a river. Or use it to figure out how you can cross the 7 bridges of Konigsberg without crossing the same bridge twice. Or how about figuring out how to get from point A to point B?

Graph Theory is a field in mathemetatics that studies graphs. It can be applied to many problems and was invented in the 1736 by Leonhard Euler.


This video wouldn't be possible without the work of others. Here are the sources I've used during my research & script writing:

Fox, goose and bag of beans puzzle. (n.d.). Wikipedia.,_goose_and_bag_of_beans_puzzle
Graph theory. (n.d.). Wikipedia.
Joshi, V. (2017, March 27). Königsberg: Seven Small Bridges, One Giant Graph Problem.önigsberg-seven-small-bridges-one-giant-graph-problem-2275d1670a12
Kruja, E., Marks, J., Blair, A., & Waters, R. (2001). A short note on the history of graph drawing. International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 272–286.
Learning to Solve a River Crossing Puzzle. (2014, May 21).
Martin, J. L. (n.d.). The Origins of Graph Theory. University of Kansas.
River crossing puzzle. (n.d.). Wikipedia.
Shortest path problem. (n.d.). Wikipedia.
Кёнигсберг на старых гравюрах и рисунках. Часть 2. (2011, December 20).